Poor Brenda developed the first hints of a cold the night before. By the time we were an hour beyond the trailhead she was barely able to place one foot in front of the other. We made (empty) offers to head back with her but she was determined. Her gear was divided up amongst the rest of us and Nick gamely strapped Brenda's pack onto the back of his own. She made it, then spent the next 48 hours flat on her back, trying her best not to be contagious.
We had great visibility this weekend and amongst other things followed Team Vancouver's excellent track up the Youngs Peak headwall and onto the summit. A first for us in November.
There was some great skiing on the lower Seven Steps area behind the Pterodactyl where it was protected from the wind. No surprise that there were still open crevasses and we didn't venture down the final step that leads below the tree triangle.
A super start to the season.